When Addison Said Goodbye...

Book Category: Fiction > General
Author: Tiffany Hurdle
Binding: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9781647022327
Price: US 21
Publication Year: 2020

Publisher/Contact Info

Alessa Biondo_Alessa

585 Alpha Drive Suite 103,
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - 15238
Country: USA
Book Description

When Addison Said Goodbye is the journey of a teenage girl who becomes pregnant at the age of fifteen. The girl defies most odds; however, she can't deny illness and death. The book teaches us to regain triumph and determination in our lives, to stop judging people, to help educate and find cures for rare illnesses such as adrenal insufficiency, and to live each day like it's the last but in a loving and responsible manner. The message is simple: "Love all, because you never know when the final day will come for you or others."