Stranger Than Fiction

Book Category: Juvenile Nonfiction > General
Author: Richard Siracusa, Esq.
Binding: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9781480954496
Price: US 14
Publication Year: 2018

Publisher/Contact Info

Alessa Biondo_Alessa

585 Alpha Drive Suite 103,
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - 15238
Country: USA
Book Description

When young students dream of becoming lawyers their imaginations conjure up thoughts of defending society's least fortunate and the unjustly accused. Author Richard Siracusa has lived that dream, for better or worse, as a sole practitioner with the freedom to make his own mistakes. A rare occurrence in today's institutionalized world, lawyers like Siracusa are a dead and dying breed--dinosaurs roaming the halls of justice, moving toward inevitable extinction