SubTitle: Wrath of Montorious
Book Category: Young Adult Fiction > Dystopian
Author: Frederick Michael Alexander Jr
Binding: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9781662427084
Price: USD 15.95
Publication Year: 2020
Alternative Binding: Paperback
Alternative ISBN 10: 9781662427
Alternative Price: USD 015.95
Alternative Publication Year: 2020

Publisher/Contact Info

Frederick Michael Alexander Jr

1681 Skiffes creek circle,
Williamsburg, Virginia - 23185
Country: USA
Key Contact
Name(1): Frederick Michael Alexander Jr
Title: Adventures of Scar and Floyd
Email: [email protected]
Book Description

An Inventor finds out about a man who wants to take over the world with his monster-mutated Army! So he plans to stop him Along the way meeting people with extraordinary powers who are willing to help