Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals

Book Category: Juvenile Fiction > Fantasy & Magic
Author: C. Toni Graham
Binding: Paperback
ISBN 10: 1452558272
ISBN 13: 9781452558271
Price:  17.99
Publication Year: 2012
Alternative Binding: Ebook
Alternative ISBN 10: 1452558280
Alternative ISBN 13: 978145255828
Alternative Price:  2.99

Publisher/Contact Info

C. Toni Graham, Balboa Press

1663 Liberty Drive,
San Jose, California - 95125
Country: USA
Book Description

In this YA fantasy tale, four teenagers are trapped in a mythical world filled with magical creatures and danger. They must do the unthinkable and risk losing their families or the new magical beings they’ve befriended. Time is not on their side.