Then Sings My Soul

Book Category: Family & Relationships > Conflict Resolution
Author: Doreen L. Hatton
Binding: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9780578229652
Price: USD 11.99
Publication Year: 2020

Publisher/Contact Info

Doreen L. Hatton_Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

324 N. 1680 E., Apt. 115-A,
Saint George, Utah - 84790
Country: USA
Book Description

Lily Langston's husband was killed by fifteen-year-old Aaron Turner while crossing a street. The book is about grief, pain and forgiveness. They turn to faith in God, music, and love for each other

Book Review and Awards

Lily Langston's husband Samuel is killed by a car driven by a 15 year old. Lily's family believes in forgiveness